Monday, October 12, 2009

They will know us by our Love...

Hello Dear Friends,

It is so good to know that we are of like minds as we work beside one another.... that we believe in GOD, that CHRIST is our SAVIOUR, and that the HOLY SPIRIT dwells within us to teach us and guide us in HIS most glorious way, if we but listen to HIS calling on our lives.

We may not see each other much, just in passing, but we are striving for the same purpose. We believe that the children we teach have a greater purpose even than we have. We believe that they will pick up where we leave off. We believe that good character creates good citizens and we desire that these children grow to become leaders upholding truth that never changes and for us that truth is CHRIST.

We may never know the impact that our unspoken teaching has on the ones we teach. We must live a life, as much as possible and with GOD's grace, before these children that is like that of our LORD. They will know us by our love of one another! The LORD didn’t say, they will know us by our speech, but by our love and we, as teachers especially know it's not always what we say but what we do that teaches the most..
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35, New Living Testament

When we greet each other with a holy smile, when we speak sweet positives to each other, when they see us genuinely hug each other…they will know… They will know. They will watch and wonder why… They will watch and learn… We will be reinforcing the teaching of Christian moms and dads and influencing those that are not of the faith. We may be ridiculed when we start really acting more and more like Christians. Ridicule should not stop us from acting like CHRIST. Didn’t CHRIST also suffer ridicule? Let us not forget the greatest commission that HE gave to us. Go ye therefore and teach all nations… all things whatsoever I have commanded you. - Matthew 28: 19-20, King James Version Isn’t it amazing that we get to reach nations within our very own school?

And he promises… I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20, King James Version

It is grand thing that here in America, everyone is offered the opportunity in freedom to receive an education so that everyone may learn to read and write. It is also a grand thing to know that America was established as a Christian nation. The world has known America as a Christian nation from our beginnings. But, there are those who desire to renege on this idea and ideal. We witness anti-christian values gaining ground many times. Yet, we must remember that GOD is in ultimate control. HE gives and he takes away. Human power is short lived, but GOD is forever! Let’s not forget that! Lift up your head and hearts, and know that HE is there with you always.

We may not know HIS plan, but we know HE has a plan... and that the outcome will be glorious for those who do not falter in their faith. The blessed hope that is in me and my prayer is that we, America, return to what we were established to be as Americans. We have already lost some freedom. Think about it, as a nation, how many political decisions have been made that are not biblically sound and that we, as Christians, do not agree with. But, GOD knows our hearts individually. HE loves us and even in the midst of great storms, HE is there. HE is here! We are free in HIM!

Praise HIM for HIS kindness to us everyday. Praise HIM for allowing us to know one another. Praise HIM in the storms and in the calm. We have so much to be thankful for.

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