Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Passover, The Festival of Matzos, The Time of our Freedom, The Passover Lamb

Pesach—The Passover lamb 
Passover has a deep meaning.  We might imagine a floating spirit of death coming to take the first born and seeing the blood then moving on to the next house, but it's much more than this!  Pesash is a mixed Hebrew-Egyptian word that means literally to spread  wings over in order to protect.  Long ago the church studied Jewish roots. A. W. Pink said, "It was not enough that the Lord just passed over the houses of Israel but that the Lord stands guard protecting them, each one who had sprinkled blood on the door. The Lord will not allow the destroyer to come in to you or anyone in your house. "  This is the same image used by Isaiah by his use of this verb pesach, in Isaiah. 31:5: "As birds hovering, so will the Lord of hosts protect Jerusalem; He will deliver it as He protecteth it, He will rescue it as He passeth over." The lamb was slain and its blood applied to the doorposts and as the destroyer came by, the Lord's guard hovered there and would not allow death to enter!  It is Christ who stands at the door!  Hallelujah!

Lighting the candles of Pesach
As we think of our Passover lamb, Jesus, who came to redeem us, may the light of the candles we kindle together bring radiance to all who still live in darkness. May this season, marking the deliverance of our people from Pharaoh, rouse us up against anyone who keeps others in servitude!  But as we think in gratitude of what we enjoy, may we strive to bring about our own freedom and the freedom of all people everywhere.

My Search
In my studies of our Jewish heritage, I’ve been searching for a greater understanding of Passover and wanted to find out exactly when observant Jews honored this day. God is so great and He knows my heart. He’s been watching my search. Last night He directed me, via technology, to a wonderful Passover Seder. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself here…

In the last few years, I’ve thought that Passover and Easter were somehow wrapped together. So last night during the Seder, I was intrigued to see that Passover was being observed on a Monday night.  As I spoke to a new Jewish friend, I find that two nights of Passover are observed, an extra night for those who are not able to make it the first night.  But, what about Easter, I wondered.  Now, I know there is a Jewish calendar, but I thought perhaps Passover was the Friday night before Easter. Then I learned of a Maundy Thursday service observed by many. Where did all this confusion come from?  Jesus even observed Passover so don't say, don't worry about it.  I'm not worried.  I just want to understand the truth... I've heard it will set me free...  LOL

Finally I've realized that Passover and Easter need to be seen through different eyes. Yet, I also realize that as the Old and New Testaments are really just one covenant of God, one day I will fully understand  not just Passover and Easter but the significance of all the mysteries of the Bible. Hallelujah! 

Right now, my Greek influenced mindset has to change in order to respect Hebreic thought.  So with a new resolve to understand what God has for me, I poured my wine, set my Seder, observed and took part in Passover 2010 with Rabbi Curt and those appointed in his service.

If you interested, you can learn more about Rabbi Curt Landry and House of David Ministries here:

The thing that motivates me most is knowing that the same God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life is the same God who commands his people to remember Passover.   God is a father and acts just like a father at play sometimes. I have found that He delights in having me search for Him!  Sometimes it seems as though I even run away from Him in my eagerness to find Him. It reminds me of  the children's game Hide and Seek. Children get very close sometimes and then turn and run in the opposite direction. My heavenly Father sees all of it. He watched me and finally let me catch Him. O what joy and delight was the catching! He called me closer that I could know Him better. There are no words for this feeling… but if you begin to truly seek Him, you will know what I’m talking about! Hallelujah!

As this Passover service proceeded online, I typed as much as I could keep up.  This rendering is not represented word for word here. I've even taken my notes and gone back to look  up the scriptures mentioned to see if there was yet more to bring edification.  The service had already begun when I found it, so I can’t comment on what I didn’t hear and see. This blog entry is long and there are many parts, but may God bless you even more in growth and knowledge of Him through it if you will read on!

1.  Rabbi Curt-- Circumcised of the Heart!

Exodus 12 gives the story of the first Passover and of the command of the Lord to remember it and teach it to our children. If we were brought up in church and have learned anything, most of us know about Moses and the people of Israel making the exodus from Egypt. But further instructions for Passover occurs in the last part of the chapter concerning circumcision that we rarely have thought much about. Ex. 12:48 And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.

God even had a provision way back then for anyone to come to Him. The word spoken to us today is this…  we are to be circumcised of the heart! It is not a formula for do’s and don’ts of the law to get near to God. We can only come near to Him when we've accepted His Son, Jesus and our hearts are purged from sin. In the days before Christ, male foreigners had to show suffering if they wanted to be included. The chosen of God would know these men were sincere because of the suffering they had to endure. It is unlikely that many ever made such a claim in order to be counted with the chosen unless they were sincere.

But just as the leaven was not to be placed in the bread because it represents sin, our hearts must be made pure, too!  In this day, and in America—no one has to command us to come to God or follow Him if we are truly children of God and have believed in His Son.  We will gladly run to Him and we will obey what He has for us! The witness is within us.  It is the Holy Spirit. Christ came to redeem us and the Holy Spirit is here to guide and teach us. If we are sincere, the world will see that we have given Him our free will and only desire to do His will.  It doesn't matter what He asks of us. 

Joshua 5:2-8 tells of the Lord speaking to Joshua concerning circumcision. This text tells of a time that Israel reaffirmed their commitment to GOD. All those who had come out of Egypt had been circumcised, but now they were all dead. The children born in the wilderness had not been circumcised. As the Lord commanded, they obeyed and because they obeyed the reproach of Egypt was rolled away from them as a nation and the place was called Gilgal.

Gilgal is a town near Bethel (2 Kings 2:1). When Joshua entered there, he had just crossed over the Jordan into enemy territory and this is where God commanded them to circumcision. After their healing, this is where Joshua’s campaigns were conducted. It was the place of obedience!

The message is clear...
Although we can be a warrior for God. We can even go from wandering to possession. But, we find out that we haven’t been circumcised… our hearts are not right. We still have Egypt in us and it must be purged...

We must be able to say…  We have obeyed the word and the voice of God and we’ve come into the House of the Lord.  We must be able to say...  We’re obedient in power and we are mighty warriors of God.
We cannot say any of this if our hearts are not right within us...

Receive the mercy of God. Lay down that sin, lay down that doubt, lay down  that behavior.  Lay it all down before we take of this Passover table.


But we can still be too busy

Exodus 4:24—You can still be too busy… too busy and you forget to circumcise your own children. Even those around you, know that you have not done this. Your spouse knows. Moses’ wife circumcised her sons because he did not.

Bless the Zipporahs!  Bless the intercessors. She knew that she must protect her children. She wasn’t called to circumcise them but she did because she knew that was necessary. Zipporah obeyed in the place of Moses with regard to their sons. They were going into Egypt and they didn't know exactly what was going to happen.  As our children go out into this world, they go out to war.  Many aren’t circumcised.  They are not obedient to the Lord.  They desire the things of the world.  They’d rather be anywhere but with the Lord and in His service.  We are the parents, whether biological or spiritual.  We have the right to take a stand in the circumcision of our children's hearts. 


Joshua 5:8 says…they stayed in the place until they were healed!  Now, this is the gift of preaching that has been given you, the foolishness of preaching.  Don’t fight it, just receive it!  Just rest in it, stay in the place and be healed.

(There was a quiet pause in the service at this point when everyone was given time to take in the magnitude of what had been said. Then the service resumed.)


The manna on that day will cease.

Israel is a modern nation today... It will not be defeated. It is being weaned of its codependency of the USA.
We, the USA, don’t operate in a Hebraic way and Israel is being weaned from us. 

The Bible says that after that day, when the manna stopped, Israel had to eat the produce of the land.  She had to learn to live off of the provision of God in a new way.  The manna no longer fell from heaven.  They were no longer being spoon fed. It was time to produce meat. 

If we are to eat the food of the land in America then we must do the same thing.  We need peace and blessing on the land.  We need to understand how co-dependent we are and learn to turn our dependency upon others and the government back to our rightful owner, God.  His word tells us to honor your mother and father that you may have long life and prosper in the land. In order to prosper in the land, it needs to produce as God planned in Eden.  We need to expect God's provision is there for us.  Honor our fathers and mothers.  What about truly honoring God the Father?  His ground is holy ground...

We decree the land is holy ground and God has loaned it to us!   Lord, we trust you with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. You neither slumber nor sleep. You see all that goes on.  Lord, we trust you with our nation, even our nation within the nation.  That same spirit that keeps Israel keeps us.  Your land is holy ground.

Holy Ground

They took off their shoes...

"Do not come any closer," the LORD warned. "Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground.  Ex.3:5

  The commander of the LORD's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did as he was told  Josh.5:15
Even in Acts 7, the importance of Moses taking off his sandals is recounted (among many other events) by Stephen before he is stoned to death.  Acts 7:30 ... there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush. 31 When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him, 32 saying, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses trembled, and durst not behold. 33  Then said the Lord to him, Put off thy shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest is holy ground.

There is blessing with authority and power over all the land that is represented here in this room. God deems it to be holy and to be put to use for his will and pleasure.  We are to obey and offer it up along with our lives to his glory.

2.  Chief Neigel Big Pond

Indian tribes are to be reached in the USA today with the values of believers. This is the will of God and this is the day that God will open up doors. Heads are held high, not in pride but in humbleness to God to restore American to its proper place.

In Isa. 22 we have the prophecy of Jerusalem. It is the valley of vision. What is happening and why is everyone running to the rooftops? Bodies are everywhere, not killed by battle but by disease and famine. This terror is brought by the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s armies. Everyone tries to remedy things in their own power, but none call upon God for help. No one even considered the One who planned this long ago when He said to weep and mourn.  But instead they were dancing, playing, feasting and drinking. The Lord will cast away and lift up whom He will...  Doesn't this sound like today's time???

Isa. 22:22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.

The keys of restoration of the House of David… have been given…

Matt. 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

The keys of the Kingdom of Heaven… have been given…

Rev. 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

The keys of hell and death… have been given…

I declare that this treasure (these words) will go home (with you)and (you will) remember as we see things pass this year. We will see … the invasion of the Holy Spirit into the Native Americans this year… It has begun… but it is sudden… and in little things… certain tribes will be the forerunners… this is the day of breakthrough…

Lift your hands to the Lord.
Father, we come in the name of Jesus.
We declare this Passover is our launching pad to see that our nation comes back to God.
The nation and the nations around us, the lifeline of America,
exercises the rights to bring back peace.
Exercises the rights to bring back peace, and find our place strong, tall and united.
This is the kingdom of God, a living body of people.
We will shelter one another as we go forward.
The unity of the body of Christ will shelter in love as we go forward.
We will see all the promises revealed. Amen.

Curt and Jay, both drink from the Kiddush cup, the cup of sanctification.
Your people are my people. The first nations are represented both Jew and Native Americans. We speak let my people go that they might serve the Lord and we come together having a Passover in Indian land and in Jewish land. We are truly one in Messiah.


3.  Curt continues with the message:

After the circumcision, Josh. 13, are you for our adversary or us? God is not taking sides with any denomination or group. He is for the Kingdom of God. All people groups need to be for the kingdom of God. What does the Lord say to His servant? There is a principality of entitlement that has been released from hell.  It is real.

We cut off every entitlement spirit!
I am a co-heir with Christ.
I am the Lord’s servant.

In this the day, the sandals being taken off represents more than we may think.  Social status can even be seen in the sandals someone wears, so if we take off our sandals and we are all barefoot  then we are all the same. We are all the same having ugly feet.

Take off your sandals.  Take off the "I can't do this because..." There is a blessing for knowledge of our authority to possess our mountains. We must get anointed and let the Holy Spirit do its work. Just take it, take the anointing, it is good. Don’t analyze it. He will give us the opportunity to be blessed. Will you miss it because you have a Greek mindset and must analyze everything?

Old doors will close and new doors will open. Even if my coattail gets stuck in the door, I’ll leave it there. I’m a servant and the Master has need of me. I’m anointed. The kingdom of God lives in me. His word builds a strong foundation.


             · I agree and say… yes, Amen.

             · We will participate… we will not teach… This is a table of deliverance!

· Parsley and salt water—We need to change this thought... We do everything in the USA to avoid suffering—But Jesus grew in stature in suffering—We need to interact with suffering—when we do this we will be promoted into a new tomorrow—principalities and powers do not give up nations easily.

We are reminded of the bitter root of slavery and the salt of  tears as we dip the parsley 3 times—            Father, set me free in my body, my soul, my spirit. Reconcile me supernaturally with the things             I’ve suffered and turn my travails into triumph!  We eat this bitterness together.

· The matzah—break off two pieces—in life there are bitter times and sweet times—in the economy of the Lord He never puts more on us than we can take—if you are being trusted in a sickness or disease—you are a spokesman for the Lord right now—share the goodness of God—“if not for the Lord where would you be”

· The apple mixture of cinnamon and nuts—the sweetness of God came when salvation came. Many have experienced deaths in their families. There is sorrow in the midst of loss. But there is sweetness that we will see them again.  On one cracker place some horseradish and the other cracker place the sweet mixture. Take this to make a sandwich and eat the bitter and  sweet together. As I partake, in the name of Jesus, balance my emotions to be at peace with the sweet times and the bitter times that I might rejoice always.

· We have need to be set free and sanctified.


4. Apostle John Benefield continues:

Hallelujah. He has set us apart and sanctified us by the blood of Jesus so then put Him in remembrance of our covenant.

Gal. 3:13 But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

We have been set apart for the Lord.  We are not cursed.  We have been sanctified.  We have been made holy.

Deut. 8: The entire chapter warns that we should not forget God. We are called to be different than the world. We are sanctified and set apart for the Lord by His blood. Blessings will come on my nation and me, as I am obedient. If we diligently obey the Lord and do His commandments, the grace of God will sustain us. The Holy Spirit will lead us. We can be obedient. We are made righteous by the blood of Jesus.  So we can be righteous and there is no excuse for unrighteousness. We are not a slave to sin anymore. The Lord will set us high above all nations of the earth. Blessings will come and overtake us. Did you hear? Blessings… not curses… will overtake us!

Blessed in the city. Blessed in the country. Blessed are our offspring. The increase of our herds and flocks, our baskets and kneading bowls. Blessed when we come in and go out.

The Lord will cause our enemies to be defeated. They will come out against us but we will be seven ways redeemed. The Lord establish us a holy people to Himself if we keep His commandment. So all the people of the earth will see that we are called and they will be afraid of us. The Lord makes us to abound in our body (the church) in our land (America).

Seven ways redeemed.  During this service, the seven ways redeemed was not explained, but in past services I've learned much regarding what this might mean.  Christ shed his blood at seven different points and each point represents a healing that takes place becasue of the spilled blood. Curses were broken and blessings were bestowed on us by Jesus' sacrificial blood.  
(1.) In Gethsemane, Jesus won back our willpower,  He said not my will but thine be done. (2.) The stripes on Jesus' back won back our health. It is said there are 39 roots of disease in the body and Jesus' took 39 stripes so that we were healed.  (3.) Jesus' crown of thorns won back our prosperity, we were to earn our bread by the sweat of the brow but now that curse is broken.  (4.) Jesus' pierced hands won back dominion over the things we touch and create. We won back dominion over our business. (5.) Jesus' pierced feet won back dominion over the places we walk so that we can takeback the lands and possessions the enemy stole from us. (6.) Jesus' pierced heart won back our joy when His heart was broken within Him. (7.) Jesus' bruises won our deliverance from inner hurts and iniquities so that the serpants head is crushed and Christ is only bruised.  But none of this was done for us alone, but for His glory to be used in His service!


His good storehouse is full. He gives rain and blesses all the work of the hand. We shall lend and not borrow. We shall be the head and not the tail. We shall be above and not underneath if we listen to the commandments of the Lord our God. We are not to turn to the right or left after other gods. We recognize the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His kindness, His generosity. He was rich and became poor in order that by his poverty on the cross we might be rich and wealthy.

Lord God we thank you that all the land of the USA and Israel are being saved, transformed and reformed and by your grace, I will do my part.

The shofars blast.  The glory of the Lord is sounded.  Shouts of warfare are echoed out. When your body becomes a shofar, then you, you are the voice of God!


A child asks the questions and his father answers...
The four questions:

Why is this night different from all other nights?

· We get rid of leaven that means no more sin and we have only matzah that represents our freedom.

· We remember how God set us free.

On all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, why only bitter herbs?

· We remember in Egypt, our lives were painful and bitter.

· We remember this so that we can understand and appreciate our freedom even more.

On all other nights, we don’t dip our vegetables even once, why dip them?

· Remember the tears of compassion that were shed when we were slaves.

· We dip because we are free to dip; we dip in salt water to remember the tears.

On other nights, we sit, why do we eat recline or lean?

· Once we were slaves and had to be ready immediately to respond to our masters but now we are free.

· In olden days, rich people used to lie on couches as they ate, a true sign of nobility and now we are free.



God says,

“ I will bring you out of oppression.”

· On the Seder plate, is the shank bone and egg—we recognize that God is getting ready to cut off the plagues of Egypt. All the plagues had powers and principalities behind them. Each one of the gods were being called out and when God delivers us from our enemies—we cry out that God destroy our enemies by His omnipotent sovereign power.

· It is activation—just because we pray doesn’t mean God answers—it is our fervent prayer.

· God will pass over  5770.  God will hover over the this year of government, for 70 stands for government!God’s right hand will sweep across the earth and bring order.  He will bring the Seder. (Seder means order).

Remember this as we go along.  Baal is the ruler of the demons—

Hosea 1 & 2 tells us that the Lord told Hosea to take a wife of whoredoms.  The scripture continues to tell what will happen. The whoredom shows the departure of the Lord. Hosea's wife had children.  The first son being named Jezreel, so that it meant that Israel would be broken and there would be no strength. The second child is born, a daughter, Lo-ruhamah, her name meaning no mercy for Israel. Then another son is born, Lo-ammi, meaning you are not my people and I will not be your God.

Then Jezreel (the broken Israel) will ask Ruhama (no mercy) and Ammi (I am not your God) to plead with their mother to put away the adultery. Then in the course of her punishments, she turns back again and is restored. She is not restored because of her love but because of her husband’s love for her. 

Oh how we are like Hosea's wife today.  The church has turned away and in adultery has birthed children who do not know of the strength and mercy of God.  The church has gone so far to say that her last child would not be  considered belonging to God.  He will not be their God.  But Christ's love for the church is so great.... she will reap what she has sown for sure... but she can be reconcilled.  It will be her children who cry out for her to stop the insanity and turn back to the one who loves her!  Glory!

Hosea 3:4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.

Oh how great the love of our Father, for even when Israel has been an adulteress wife, He loved her and restored her. Oh how great the love of the Father, that he give us, as Christians the same message. We are the bride, but take to our breasts the love of the world. Let us seek to be pure for Him who has loved us and gave Himself to save us.

Remember Baal--departure from the Lord led to idoltery and whoredome with Baal...
Dutch Sheets tells us more about Baal and that we need to divorce Baal and be reconciled to Christ, remarried to our bridegroom.  Here are some points Dutch makes...
· God has exposed the spirit of Baal as one of the strongmen—perhaps THE strongman over America. Baal is identified as the ruler of the demons and he has many names (Matt. 12:24--Beelzebub)

· Baal-hamon, another name means lord of wealth or abundance. It is this principality that is warring against the transfer of wealth to the church. We must war against this spirit to see our inheritance released. (Jeremiah 51:44 (Bel is Baal)

· Baal-berith, lord of the covenant, meaning husband or marriage. This spirit attempts to break covenant with God. In many ways, America has broken covenant with God and also married Baal just as Hosea's wife did.

o Sexual perversion, homosexuality, adultery are all the offspring of Baal.

o We will continue to see God expose leaders in the church who align themselves with this spirit.

o Pray that the church be cleansed and Baal’s hold be broken.

o Baal goes after the next generation. He is a violent spirit and even requires human sacrifice—abortion is under Baal, so is cutting (1 Kings18:28), the vampire and Goth movement, and the death culture that has so invaded America. Baal is leading the fight to avert the awakening planned for the young generation. Pray against and bind these efforts.

Think on these things and repent... O Church!


The Plagues

We spill a drop of wine—the symbol of our joy—from our cups to our plate ten times to represent the plagues of Egypt. But, the pain visited upon the Egyptians will always tarnish our joy.  Our freedom will not be as sweet becasue of the punishment of the Egyptians.  We must remember this... that as the blood, frogs, lice, insect swarms, cattle plague, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of the first-born were the plagues of Egypt, we have our own plagues today… are they not these?

1. Our plague of blood: Apathy in the face of evil.

2. Our plague of frogs: Brutal torture of the helpless

3. Our plague of lice: Cruel mockery of the old and weak

4. Our plague of insect swarms: Despair of human goodness

5. Our cattle plague: Envy of the joy of others

6. Our plague of boils: Falsehood and deception corroding our faith

7. Our plague of hail: Greedy theft of earth’s resources

8. Our plague of locusts: Hatred of learning and culture

9. Our plague of darkness: Instigation of war and aggression

10. Our plague of death: Justice delayed, justice denied, justice mocked…

O Father, Shekhinah, soften our hearts
and the hearts of our enemies.
 Help us to dream new paths to freedom,
that the next sea-opening is not also a drowning,
that our singing is never again their wailing.
That our freedom leaves no one
orphaned, childless, gasping for air.


5.  Tim Alsbaugh continues:

Dayenu: What does this mean: It would have been enough?

We should celebrate each step toward freedom as if it were enough, then to start out on the next step. It means that if we reject each step because it is not the whole liberation, we will never be able to achieve the whole liberation. It means to sing each verse as if it were the whole song—and then sing the next verse.

Dayenu means "It would have been enough."

Had God... Brought us out of Egypt and not divided the sea for us… Dayenu

Had God... Divided the sea and not permitted us to cross on dry land… Dayenu

Had God... Permitted us to cross on dry land and not sustained us for forty years in the desert… Dayenu

Had God... Sustained us for forty years in the desert and not fed us with manna… Dayenu

Had God... Fed us with manna and not given us the Sabbath… Dayenu

Had God... Given us the Sabbath and not brought us to Mount Sinai… Dayenu

Had God... Brought us to Mount Sinai and not given us the Torah… Dayenu

Had God... Given us the Torah and not led us into the land of Israel… Dayenu

Had God... Led us into the land of Israel and not built for us the Temple… Dayenu

Had God... Built for us the Temple and not sent us prophets of truth… Dayenu

Had God... Sent us prophets of truth and not made us a holy people… Dayenu

Had God... For all these, alone and together, we say… Dayenu

It is enough!


God says,

“I will free you from slavery!”

6.  Chief Neigel Big Pond continues:

I have asked the Over-comer, God to allow us to come into His midst and release us into a place of alignment. We have wanted this. The first-born… first nation… first fruit are coming together for Passover. I’ve not known this to ever happen before… where our Jewish brothers and sisters have allowed us to join them as well as other gentiles… We are full of good news in this land… God’s reign and rule!

We live in a land of cooperation through the Holy Spirit. We stand as one and we stand together…regardless of race and nationality. The power and authority is on us today. The world views us as weak.
We are no longer a Christian nation, they say. But God says we are people in this nation that love the world in the sense that God loves the world.

In the same sense that this nation within a nation loves what God has done for the world.  He has sent his salvation.  This nation is fruitful and blessed and has been blessed.   In this world His grace will multiply. His grace is sufficient.

Great things will change. Remember that one thing that creates curses is fear.  Let us dismiss the fear that’s over this nation.

Gen. 1:28 says And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. God blesses them and told them to multiply… be Masters… God said look… I have given… When God looked over all things he had created, He saw that it was excellent! This happened on the sixth day…

Now, we are living in the 7th day of great blessings! This is where God will fulfill his grace and blessings upon us. Bless and be blessed and always be blessed!  Remember God blessed the Sabbath, 7th day and declared it holy!  It was because that day, He rested (ceased creating).  He did not need to sleep and rest in that manner.  He ceased creating and gave blessing on the 7th day.  It was the day of fellowship with Him and nothing more.  That is the purpose to cease creating on the 7th day and have fellowship with Him and nothing more.

The Land was barren.

Natives sung to God on the "trail of tears."  Between 1838-39, the Cherokees led the way in responding to George Washington's policy whereby this minority group, Native Americans, was to gradually adopt the customs and attitudes of the dominate culture of the USA.  This land they were forced to was barren. There was nothing. It was nothing. We were sent here to die.

Our ancestors worshipped God all the way… from the lands everywhere, singing to God. When they got here the land became fruitful. It’s not in history books anywhere. You won't find it written. But our people were taught and they know the ancestors sung their songs all the way, so that one day,  ministries such as this House of David would come together and we would be accepted and not cast away. It is a good day! It is a good day to die to the flesh and live for the Lord!

Innocent bloodshed defiles the land with broken covenants and idolatry. It’s now time to worship God again. He has given us the words. Worship God with all your heart. If you worship me, my enemy cannot enter in! He has no authority in worship anymore.

You who live in fear, start worshipping with all your heart. The enemy cannot enter in… You must know that God’s kingdom is not based on need. It is not controlled by a president. It has no worldly plans. It is not obtained by ambition but by His grace.

God’s kingdom

o is not based on need…

o not controlled by a president…

o has no worldly plans

o not obtained by ambition but by His grace

We break every curse on this land
by the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Let it be broken…
Let the curse be broken…

As we break the matzah:

We break the matzah as we broke the chains of slavery from Egypt, and we break chains that bind us today through the blood and brokenness of the Lord Jesus. Isa. 53: Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.


The third cup of wine is praise—Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, creator of the fruit of the vine—

God says,

“I will liberate you
with an outstretched arm.”

In the name of Jesus,
 I am the healed of the Lord
and the land
and the blessing of unity
is released in my house.
Lift this cup and say l'chai-im,
To life!

As we release the blessing of feeding the poor. We bring our offerings—and mix it with faith. This will release you into the mountain that God gave you to minister.

Ex. 15:26 If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. No, none of the diseases… I am the Lord who heals you…

Mat. 25:23 His Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Enter into the joy of the Lord!

Deut. 29:9 Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do.

The eleven disciples went into the mountain where the Lord Jesus appointed them. Don’t hop from mountain to mountain. Hopping is unbelief… Stay in the mountain you have been appointed and move only when He moves you.

Remember that resistance always comes after the word...

Press through… stay in the mountain you have been given…


Now as this Passover Seder continued at the House of David, it was cut short on my internet screen, but I found this interesting story on a Jewish website and leave it for you to think about...

A story... Elijah... Mariam…

Three thousand years ago, a farmer arose in the Middle East who challenged the ruling elite. In his passionate advocacy for common people, Elijah sparked a movement and generations to come would be inspired. He declared that he would return once each generation in the guise of someone poor or oppressed, coming to people's doors to see how he would be treated. Thus would he know whether or not humanity had become ready to participate in the dawn of the Messianic age. He is said to visit every Seder, and sip there from his cup of wine.  (It is a Jewish tradition to set forth a 5th cup of wine for Elijah at the Passover Seder.)

But now, we welcome two prophets: not only Elijah, but also Miriam, the sister of Moses to the Seder.
Elijah is a symbol of messianic redemption at the end of time; Miriam, of redemption in our present lives.

Miriam’s cup is filled with water, representing her well, which followed the Israelites in the wilderness. After the crossing of the Red Sea, Miriam sang to the Israelites a song. (Micah 6:4 it says, “And I brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house of bondage. I sent before you Moses, and Aaron, and Miriam.” This signifies to us just how important Miriam was to God that she should be mentioned throughout Moses birth and the exodus.)

The words in the Torah are only the beginning of what she sang and danced to:

Sing to God, for God has triumphed gloriously;
Horse and driver, God has hurled into the sea.

So the Rabbis asked: Why is the Song of Miriam only partially stated in the Torah?
The answer: The song is incomplete so that future generations will finish it and that is our task.

I believe "our song" will be in His coming…


The fourth cup of wine represents God’s fourth declaration of redemption:  Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.

God says,

“ I will claim you for me
as a people,
and I will be your God.”

All Your works shall praise You, our Creator;
the righteous will praise You in joyous song.
We will thank, exalt, revere and sanctify You.
It is good to give thanks to You,
and fitting to sing praises to Your name,
for You are Eternal from everlasting to everlasting.
Blessed are You, Adonai, sovereign who is praised in song!

As all things of passover point to our Savior, our Pesach!
 Let us remember Him who hovers and guards us.
It is Christ,
who will never allow death to take us because we have believed.

When God's face turned away from his Son,
it was then that Abba Father saw us, saw me!

He took pity and covered me.  He covered you.
 We are covered in the blood of His only Son,
that we might live forever.

All this because He loves us!

Stand in awe at His grace toward us!
Bow to His authority!
Lay prostrate in adoration!

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