Saturday, March 6, 2010

Misconceptions and Unity!

It’s true that anyone can and should read scripture everyday. But imagine that all around the world various people are reading the same portion of God’s Word during the same week. Then continue to imagine that the following week they are all reading another text and so on and so on, week after week.

Well, that is just what has happened throughout the ages in regard to reading Torah and it still happens today!

Think of this… Many of us were taught that Torah means simply “The Law” and we came to know the first five books of Moses as “The Law”. That interpretation is not really true. It’s only partially true! Although the Torah contains law, Torah means teaching. There is more than law in those sacred pages! Now that doesn’t sound like such a big deal, but when you start looking at the misconceptions we hold… well, do you get the picture? Think about it… how much of the Truth do we really know? I can already hear you say… Jesus is the Truth. Yes, but how well do you really know Jesus? Be careful what you answer…

Most of my knowledge about the Bible (Old and New Testaments) was gained by listening to preaching. I relied on preachers and teachers to feed me and I learned things that I would not have known otherwise. But, now as I open scriptures, dictionaries, concordances, etc. and study on my own, I find many inaccuracies in my knowledge based on what others had learned and taught me, especially down to basic vocabulary. My knowledge is faulty and I need to study for myself, one word at a time in some instances.

Here’s a word for us: aliya or aliyah.

The Torah Portion (or scripture we read from the books of Moses) is sometimes called an aliyah. There are several meanings for aliyah in Judaism. Aliyah means “called up”. It’s a great honor for a worshiper to be “called up” to read the holy passage from the Torah on Sabbath morning at the synagogue. The passage assigned is subdivided into seven sections so at least seven different people are “called up” to read. This seems like the most likely meaning of aliyah with regard to Torah Portions.

But here are some other meanings for aliyah worthy of notation. Aliyah can mean “going up” as in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It can mean the Jewish law of immigration, whereby Jews are allowed to return (or go up) to Israel, settle there and gain citizenship. This was legislation enacted in 1950 in response to Jewish immigrants returning from all over the world. This type of aliyah is ongoing and sometimes occurs in waves of great numbers.

Aliyah can also mean the miraculous “going up” into heaven of Enoch (Genesis 5:23-24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11). I have to ask this with a smile on my face, are you ready for your aliyah?

So our “calling up” is supposed to happen everyday as we enter scripture reading. In Hebrew, the scripture portion, Ki Tisa is one that many Jews around the world read collectively this past week.

In general, Ki Tisa is Exodus 30:11-34:35. This reading talks about taking a census of the Israelites. Explicit instructions are given regarding the washbasin of the Tabernacle, the anointing oils for the priests and kings, the incense offering, and the Sabbath. We read about the story of the Golden Calf and God’s anger. We read of Moses pleading for Divine forgiveness for the sin of the Jewish nation, the breaking of the 10 Commandments, and the giving of the second tablets.

The words “Ki Tisa” means “When you take”
God commanded Moses to take a census of the Jewish population. He was to collect an atonement offering of half a silver shekel from each. The collected silver was melted down and made into sockets for the beams of the Tabernacle.You’ll have to read the scripture for yourself, for there are many nuggets of understanding here. Some things I looked into were…

· God command Moses to take a census. Now, why on earth would God need Moses to take a census? Doesn’t God know who everyone is already?

· God commanded Moses to collect an atonement offering? Why would HE do that? What is atonement anyway?

· God commanded Moses to melt down the silver and have sockets made for the beams of the Tabernacle. Why go to all that trouble?

Here are my thoughts… take or leave them. However, whatever you do… be sure to read scripture and learn from it yourself. The world as you know it, will change right in front of you when you begin to understand God’s Word for yourself.

First, I see that the people were not yet a nation for God. They were each for themselves and not in unity. Although they all could live together in a community of sorts, there wasn’t anything that united them. So God was preparing a way to draw them to be “His people”.

The atonement offering was not for God, but to remind the people that they had been set free. They were ransomed. God wanted to reconcile His people to Himself but they had to give up something in order for this to happen. Their atonement offering was not meant to be a one time do this and forget it service. This offering was to be remembered because of what was done with it. The offering was another way to remember God. Sad but true, God always wants us to remember Him but we are always forgetting Him. So He gives us ways to remember Him if we pay attention.

Taking of the silver shekel was like taking out a part of what everyone thought of themselves. Aren’t we still like this? When you work and get paid, isn’t the money you receive sometimes how you also value yourself? But, God places a different value upon us than that. We are not the value of our money.

The atonement offering had to be silver and it had to be the exact amount from everyone. God is no respecter of persons, (Romans 2:11) so no one could say I am more worthy than someone else because of giving a greater amount in the offering.

It had to be silver, but why? God’s words are sometimes referenced as silver (Psalm 12:6). Christ, was bought with silver, and paid the price of redemption with his blood. (Matthew 27:3-8) In other words, silver represents holiness.

The silver had to be melted together and made into something brand new. Only when silver was heated to liquid form could it blend with the other silver. It became unified. We must be blended together. Sometimes it is with the affliction that God allows heat to burn away our impurities. The silver was made into something new, so we must be made into something new.

Brand new silver sockets were made to hold the poles of the tabernacle together. Each socket had its purpose and each socket depended upon all the others to maintain the structure and for continual support. The tabernacle was mobile, but once it was in place, it stood as a testimony to the world that God would meet with His people. Each silver socket had to be in place for God to meet them.

Today, the church is in place, it should stand as a testimony that God meets with His people, but does it?   The church, in general, is a meeting place for Christians and "wannabe" Christians.  Does God actually meet His people in church?  Since Christ came to save us, I believe the church (I"m actually talking about Christian individuals and not the building) is to move out into the world and carry the testimony forward. We, are to be a mobile force and the Holy Spirit will go with each one of us! But we must continue to meet together in unity in God's house and seek Him as one body.  In our daily walk, we must act as lone ambassadors,  but in our worship we are to act as one in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:20)  We were changed into something new in the Kingdom of God when we received Christ as our Redeemer.  I became a part of a whole unit and need to act in unity with other believers.  Yet, I am also alone, but complete in Him who saved me.  What a beautiful mystery!

We need to remember then that we cannot support God's work unless we also maintain. We have to maintain by remembering what has gone before us. If we fail to maintain, then our part in God’s kingdom will collapse and  if it collapses then we will not be able to support the work of God. It is a chain reaction....

Let us maintain by reading scripture, praying, worshipping and waiting on God and this will keep our structure strong.

But let us support by witnessing, doing service for others in Jesus name, and giving tithes and offerings.

We are the church. Let’s act like it!

Book of the Month Club
In our congregaton, we now have a book of the month club!  This month you simply are encouraged to read the Gospel of John as many times as you like.  St. John is a wonderful book to read in order to get a grasp of the life and ministry of Jesus.  Chapter one of John is much like chapter one of Genesis.  It speaks of the beginning and creation and Chirst in the midst of it all!  I hope you'll consider reading the book of John. Go deep and deeper!

  • Please be in prayer concerning a teacher at our school who had a skiing accident over the weekend. She has a broken back and fractured skull and needs our prayers.  Father God, you are the only source of health and healing.  May full physical healing be granted to Mary in Jesus' name.  May your spirit of calm and peace surround your children as we come to you in prayer.  Thank you for what you are about to do.  In Jesus' name.  Amen
  • Please also be in prayer concerning my sister-in-law's hip replacement surgery.  She came through fine and now needs recovery. We thank you, O Lord, for the good news of a successful surgery and now come to you and ask for a successful recovery.  Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen