Children just want to play forever. You have to make them take a nap or go to bed. They are young and they have more energy than anyone! But we grow up and nobody has to tell us to go to bed. We want to go to bed! Sometimes we have so much to do that we push ourselves to stay up too late, but our body is ready for bed all the same.
Our earth-suits get tired. This body we have is just a suit. It is temporary. The body that’s coming will be able to enjoy GOD forever and be strong all the time. It will be a heavenly body. That body will be raised in power...
- No sickness
- No weakness
- No disease
- No tiredness of the body
- No tiredness of the mind (mental and emotional)
The body catches mental and emotional diseases. Theses stresses (frustrations) are carried in the body and make us weak and tired. Your neck stiffens up and you have many aches and pains with no apparent reason. Your emotions directly impact your body.
But our next body will have every frustration removed. One day we will only rejoice, but now we are supposed to intercede…
- Now is the time of prayer
- Now is the time of interceding
- Now is the time of pleading
- Now is the time of crying to GOD
One day GOD will wipe the tears from our eyes and nothing but joy will be there for us.
We will have a body without limitations. It will reflect the glory and image of GOD.
Starting in verse 45, we are reminded of Adam, who represents the natural and then we hear of JESUS, who represents the spiritual. Verse 49… We will bear the likeness of the man from heaven. That’s JESUS. We will be like HIM. Hallelujah! What a time we will have. Free from pain, sickness and sorrow!
But, for now we have to deal with limitations on earth. We are headed for a state where we will be like JESUS in body as well as spirit, but for now that is not the case.
Don't fret... but remember that NOW are we the sons of GOD… so don’t keep calling yourself a sinner after you are saved. Call yourself a son or daughter of the MOST HIGH. Yes, we will sin but we must remember that we have been redeemed. The sin was nailed to the cross on JESUS! All sin was placed there, past... present... and future! HE alone had the power to rise up without the sin attached.
CHRIST dying for us did not give us a ticket to sin, but gave us a family to which we are responsible. We are to respect and honor our FATHER and we do this by obeying HIM. A true family looks out for one another and that is just what our FATHER and our brother, CHRIST does for us. CHRIST sent the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us and we have the WORD to see how our forefathers behaved. That is what GOD has done for us, so what have we done for HIM in HIS family? Something to think about...
So yes, we will have issues and sin will continue to abound in this earth realm. But when satan tempts us and tells us about our stuff from our past. We need to remind HIM that JESUS already paid for that long ago. We need to remind him (satan) of his future.
Hopefully you have read the book and know the ending. JESUS overcomes and comes back as the tryumphant KING of KINGS. Every knee shall bow to HIM. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire and we will reign forever with CHRIST in heaven. Satan's future is bleak... he has no future. If you think he's tucked away in hell now, you are mistaken. He is in the earth realm now and he’s trying to drum up company to take to hell with him in the end. Don’t let satan mess with you and don't let him mess with your family and friends here on earth. You, who are a true child of GOD, study the WORD so that you cannot be fooled or deceived. Find GOD's promises to you... you will be amazed!
It does not appear what you shall be… but we know this according to scripture… you shall be like HIM… JESUS, our SAVIOR.
You are on a road… on a journey...
Yes, you will be convicted of sin as you travel along. Sometimes we sin and don't realize it but the HOLY SPIRIT will let us know. We only need to repent as soon as we know what we've done and get back on track. GOD will guide us through each step of the way and HE will take us further on our journey. It's a journey only we can take with HIM.
It is the road of our life that we travel. We will go from glory to glory as HE reveals HIMSELF to us in our daily walk with HIM. It will be the same as driving our car up and down hills and around curves. Sometimes the road is scary. Sometimes drivers will do foolish things with their cars and put us in danger, but HE is there. Sometimes deer and other animals run out in our path but HE is there. Sometimes there is snow and ice on the roadway, but HE is there. Sometimes the rain and the wind push us all around, but HE is there. Sometimes we are the ones who are not behaving properly, but HE is still there. We are not to forget that HE is there!
Scripture says that it was GOD who began the good work in us. HE first drew us near and made us like JESUS in our hearts. That was only the first place of redemption. Now, HE’s guiding us to walk like HIM and talk like HIM and be like HIM. We are, afterall, sons and daughters of GOD right now, right here!
The last enemy conquered for us is death. Scripture says that death has been swallowed up in victory. When death is finally conquered, we will live without any restriction. We will be raised in glory. Whether we will be raised before an earthly death, only GOD knows! But, when we go doesn't matter.
The fact is that we will be raised in glory to be with HIM and those who have gone on before us will be raised also. Hallelujah! Many of us have others who have gone on. We will all have new bodies and be reunited. Joy will abound. We cannot comprehend what this means fully, but it will be GOD’s best for us. Just think about it...
Even if you think of your very best day here on earth, it is not to be compared to a day in heaven. When Paul was in Philippi, he pondered, “Should I go or stay?” He said if he stayed, it would be better for the people of Philippi. But he went on to say if he goes, it would be far better for him. Life in the hereafter is better than anything we can experience here.
If someone leaves this earth and goes to be with GOD, all their glory and excitement will be wrapped up in the presence of GOD. They will never want to return here. They will have no desire to turn back. They will be like babes in the arms of JESUS when they get there...
But... Wake up now… we live here! Dreaming of that heavenly day is wonderful, but we are alive here now!
- We need to live so we are missed when we leave.
- Someone’s life should be better because we have been here on earth.
- People should be blessed while we are here because of the one we serve.
- We should live our lives to make a difference.
But… dream again… when we leave… we will experience the ultimate experience! We will fly away to be with our LORD. We will go to a land where joy will never end. THIS IS OUR HOPE, OUR DESIRE... OUR REALITY... TO COME...
He has prepared for us a place!
We all want our blessing RIGHT now. That’s just how we are, but when this life is over we will have even greater blessings than we can ever imagine now. We need to always be mindful of our blessings and ever thankful for them. The blessings that we have had, the blessings we are having and the blessings yet to come in our lives.
So the thing is that we can’t afford to live just thinking about our future forever with GOD. We can’t just be pew warmers and go to church once in a while. When we do this, it’s not about GOD. It’s only about us.
We must realize the time we are in right now. We’ve got a job to do. We’ve got to live a life that reflects the LORD JESUS. When we do this, others can come to know HIM because they will want to know HIM. They will want to know why we have our faith. We will not only tell them but also show them our faith. They will look to see how we live before they ever open their ears to hear us! May they see our victoriours lives and know that its because of CHRIST.
Our pastor told a little story about a little boy who cried out because of a thunderstorm. He was frightened and felt alone. His mom (or dad I can’t remember) said something like, “It’s alright GOD is here.” And the little boy said, “I know, but I need someone with skin.”
Hey, everybody… we are the skin to those who are weaker or without faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as their Savior. We must show the love of JESUS. We are more like JESUS when we are sharing ourselves with others in HIS name. We can smile, speak kindness, and give hugs and encouragement just like HE did during HIS ministry on earth. WE can feed, clothe and visit others just as HE did. Yes, HE was preaching and teaching but HE was also ministering. HE not only spoke but also touched others both physically and spiritually in his ministry. CHRIST allowed the children to gather on his lap and HE allowed HIS feet to be bathed in love and tears. CHRIST is approachable. HE desires us more than we desire HIM.
So what are we doing for others? Are we living CHRIST-like? What are we doing for _________? Fill in the blank with someone’s name. Sometimes we just have to make it up close and personal to get the message.
May GOD bless you this week coming! Scripture says HE bends to hear us… don’t forget to speak to HIM regularly and listen for HIS word to you. WE serve a living GOD, who is not too big or too busy to commune with us.
Love and Prayers,
Monica :)
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