(A list of prayer concerns can be found at the bottom of this post. Thank you for your prayers.)
Over the course of my life, I have moved from quick prayers about my wants to a different type of prayer where I have become more aware to whom I pray and more of the reasons behind why I pray. But there is always room for self-evaluation...
Yes, I pray and I believe that GOD hears me and answers. But if I can learn even a little more to make this process better, that is what I want to do. So I'm presently in a study where several of us are gaining much insight from the research and life experiences of Dutch Sheets in his Christian walk. We are using his book and study series, Intercessory Prayer. Our sessions are discussion based and we are learning from one another and scriptures as well as the teachings from our focused lessons.
In the first lesson, Dutch teaches that there are basically three motives for prayer. 1. I need to... (but this alone, is us using HIM) 2. HE needs me to... (but this alone can turn into legalism, bondage, and faith built on works) 3. Relationship... (this is our communion with GOD, when we visit with HIM while praying and listen for HIM in return)
If we have never thought about our relationship to GOD in regards to our prayer life, just where do we start? Well, I'm assuming that everyone reading this has accepted the LORD JESUS, but if you have not.... that is your starting point ~~ to receive the LORD as your Savior. Please look to the right of this blog article for scriture references to help you begin your journey with CHRIST JESUS.
I pray that everyone reading this, gain a newness in understanding about intercessory prayer. I pray that we utilize this new understanding to the glory of the LORD. In JESUS' name. Amen.
So what is our relationship to GOD in regards to prayer? We must first realize who we are. We were created in GOD's image and we were created for a purpose. Genesis 1: 26-28 Then God said, “Let us make human beings* in our image, to be like ourselves...God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”
Psalm 8: 3-8 ...5 Yet you made them only a little lower than God*(some texts say the angels, but the original translates GOD) and crowned them* with glory and honor.6 You gave them charge of everything you made,putting all things under their authority—7 the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals,8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,and everything that swims the ocean currents.
Psalm 115:16 The heavens belong to the Lord,but he has given the earth to all humanity.
So we were made in HIS image and given a purpose to take charge of everything on earth. Isn't this just what a good father does with his children? We were created as sons and daughters of GOD. GOD put HIS glory on us from the start. By having HIS glory, we are to attract attention to HIM. We were created in HIS image to do as HE does by having authority over the earth just as HE has authority over all creation. HE wants us to be a reflection of HIMSELF. When the world sees us, they should be seeing our FATHER. We should be representing HIM in all our ways.
What an awesome thought, to be a child of the KING of KINGS. Is your image of a king like that of a tyrant? This is a false image of CHRIST. Although throughout history many kings have been tyrants. Read the scriptures and see the image we were created to model after. Look at the life of JESUS. HE was/is GOD in the flesh! Was He ever a tyrant?
Adam had the privilege of walking and talking with GOD daily. Scriptures tell us this and then sin entered and broke that daily communion. (I'm not talking about taking of the bread and the wine as in the last supper remembrance. I'm talking about our daily walk and talk with our HEAVENLY FATHER.)
So prayer for the Christian has become our communion. We cannot physically walk and talk with GOD as Adam did. But, we can walk and talk with GOD in the spiritual realm. We need prayer so that our walk and talk in the natural realm can be effective (where we meet and greet people daily) and that our communion will carry over to reflect GOD (in us) walking and talking with them, too. We need discernment to know what GOD would have us say and do. We need courage to do it. We need faith to see it through. We need to obey HIS will.
To my understanding then, just as the body needs oxygen to survive daily and it is a continual function for our lungs to breathe in and out, so our spirit needs prayer to survive. Prayer should be for the spirit as ordinary a function as the continual function of the lungs. Intercessory prayer then comes from a deep desire to truly commune with GOD... My relationship to HIM is important. I truly desire to reflect HIM in my day to day existence in this natural world we live in.
My prayer is that my relationship be so intimate with ABBA FATHER that there be no doubt that HE is the LORD of my life. My prayer is that HIS light shine and that I can be used as the vessel to draw others closer to HIMSELF.
How many times have I grieved GOD by not seeking a relationship with HIM? How many times have I grieved GOD by not praying? GOD has always been there. HE does not change. HIS door is always open. Let us seek HIM.
Prayer Concerns:
I know of many situations at this time that need GOD's touch. Here is a general list of needs I'm aware of and will not mention names here but GOD knows who they are...
- Those with cancer~~ I lift up 14 names (leukemia, breast, colon, prostate, skin, & bone)
- Those with ailments of the knee or leg ~~ I lift up 4 names
- The family on the death of a Christian brother's father this week
- One with a serious staff infection, which is better but still in need of prayer
- One who is pregnant~~blessing for a healthy pregnancy and delivery
- One who has a serious ulcer in the colon~~facing major surgery~possible total removal
- Two who are seeking deliverance from tobacco
- One with lupus
- One 4 mo. old baby to have surgery at Johns Hopkins for cleft lip and palate
- Seven separate families who are experiencing the throes of divorce and the aftermath~~pray for peace and courage to put the pieces back together
- One teen contemplating sucide~~pray for the love of GOD to overtake in this situation
- Several teens who are experimenting with dangerous elements~~pray that their eyes open and they repent and seek CHRIST
- Several families in a communist country who are proclaiming CHRIST, although the threat of prison or worse is probable
- Missions around the world~~pray GOD's will be done
- Seven brave patriots who are now in the military~~pray for safety in their assignments and that they come home
- Our sister churches and their administration (Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Teachers, Any Helps Minister, etc.)~~pray for unity within their congregations as well as unity between the sister churches for the cause of CHRIST
- Those who are without CHRIST and/or who belong to HIM but are running as Jonah tried to do~~pray that GOD is merciful and that they simply come home soon
- Pray for our pew warmers~~ we need active participants in the harvest~pray for motivation
- Pray for our fellow intercessors~~ we are in a spiritual warfare~~ pray that we continue to stand together on behalf of those who are weak and that we continue to seek HIM in all that we say and do
May the GOD of hope fill you will all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Amen from Romans 16:24
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