Sunday, September 5, 2010

Maybe We Know This, Maybe We Don’t and Maybe We Just Need Refreshed!

The post is based on "Mastering Metabolism" from Joyce Meyer’s book, Look Great, Feel Great.

James 1:22 scripture says, “ Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” Some of us look at this and although we see it as a simple enough statement, we know it is not simple at all. How can I do anything that exerts energy when I am not physically able?

You and I have had this experience... Well meaning Christian friends  stick their fingers in your faces and tell you “their” story. They tell you  that you don’t believe God enough and that you just need more faith and so on… They will say things that they think are helpful but we still come away feeling even more defeated than before. It seems no one is listening and no one understands.  We might as well keep our thoughts to ourselves and pretend that everything is just fine.  Really?

Are you pretending to the world and at the same time knowing in your body that you aren’t physically able to move.  You can’t breathe or your body aches you to tears. Do you sometimes overexert yourself before your friends and family and then find a safe place to suffer in silence where they can’t find you?  Are you hiding out?

Metabolism, what does this have to do with being doers of the Word?  The answer ~ plenty!

WebMD online has this to say about metabolism:

"Your metabolism, experts say, involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes that not only convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel."
So what does that mean?
 I’m learning that I have to know what the “problem” is before I can attempt to fix it. How often have I said I needed to get healthy and just picked anything from thousands of diets and start on my merry way?   You and I need to stop that!   It’s gotten us nowhere and when we talk to others, it’s gotten them nowhere either.

Last week, we looked at learning how to love our bodies. If you’re participating, we’re asking God to guide us.  I needed those beginning chapters of Joyce’s book to get me going mentally!  Inviting God to help us needs to be in place before we begin any of the rebuilding process. Without God I can do nothing, but He is not going to do for me what I am supposed to do for myself.  If I trust in Him, I know that He will step in when I have done all I could under his direction.  He will step in when I am obeying His Word!

This week, instead of focusing first on what is wrong with us, let’s learn how our bodies are supposed to work.  Let's get a better understanding about what our bodies should be doing instead of what they are presently doing. (I know I’m speaking as if our bodies are independent entities. You could say they are, after all the body I have is just where my soul lives and the Holy Spirit dwells.  It’s a shelter. It’s a house. So let’s learn about it and do our part to rebuild it.)

  1. The body is supposed to break down our food and convert it into energy. All our energy comes from food. Pills and supplements can’t provide what we need as well as food sources can, so let’s not consider them at this point. (There are many who have medical prescriptions and your doctor is your best resource because he/she knows you. The pills and supplements I’m talking about are your across the counter ones that you can purchase without a prescription. We need to be careful what we choose to believe with regard to them. In other words, do your homework.)
  2. The body has it’s own instinctive survival techniques and is supposed to send what we need where we need it and when we need it.
  3. The body is supposed to store any excess energy for future use. (Yes, this is fat.)
  4. The body is supposed to eliminate what is not used.
  5. The body is supposed to be adequately rested in a 24 hour time period.
  6. The body is supposed to be hydrated at all times.
  7. The body is supposed to exert energy for cardio health, strength and flexibility.

Wow! These are only some of the things our body is supposed to do.  We  might need to tweak just one thing on this list for ourselves or we might have many.  I’m working on several right now, but I’ve been working on them since July. We all need to remember to take it one step at a time. Rebuilding our body will not be easy and it will take time. We all have to consider getting healthy as another job. The difference is that if we quit this job, we die early.  Let’s learn to live so we can bring glory to our LORD JESUS by being what He has called us to be.

Joyce says we need these things to boost our metabolism:
1. Exercise 2. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner (don’t skip meals~ your body needs fuel during the day) 3. Drink water 4. Sleep well 5. “Fidget” by making ways of being more active every day   Interesting list, isn't it?!

You need a “simple” plan to start.

If you need help with a diet plan, you might need to see a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian in the health field. If you need an exercise plan, you might need to see a doctor, trainer or coach , but you can do some research and learn a great deal on your own. (Don’t give up now because it seems overwhelming. It is overwhelming! That’s the point! Most of us are carrying around a ton of “whelm”. I just want to get rid of the “over” so I can eventually get rid of the whelm, too!        LOL (In case you didn’t know, whelm means to cover or engulf completely with usually disastrous effects!   Isn’t that what being overweight does?)

No one has to follow my plan.  In fact I'd rather you find your own plan because you are different and your needs are different.  My plan came about after many years of stupid dieting, losing and gaining back,  and spending lots of  $$$ for “miracle diets”  My plan started out very simple this past July because I was actually too sick and tired for a complicated "hit it with all my might" plan!

The first thing I did was decide to do something. I looked online and found Sparkpeople to track what I was already eating. No diet at all at first. I was able to see the carbs, protein and fat percentages according to their pie chart. This was a major eye opener. I thought most of my calories came from carbs, but they came from protein. You might be surprised what you find out when you really attempt a truthful examination of your habits.

The next few weeks, I explored the Sparkpeople site and got involved.

o created a health page on that site and included a weight tracker

o made a few online friends and joined some teams such as Inspired and Challenged by Joyce Meyer, Managing Diabetes Group, Flylady:Peace Is Mine, Living Healthy in Our 50s and Beyond, Virginia Sparkers, and 50+ Females. (Just so you know, I had time this summer to explore and get serious so that it’s not as hard now to stick with the plan since I’ve gone back to work!  But, right now, I’m not visiting the site as often.  Yet I know it's there when I need a boost. Sending little encouragements, etc. to online friends when I get the chance is a great boost for me as well. We all have to figure out what we can handle. By the way ~ the subject matter of this blog is a direct result of the Joyce Meyer team on Sparkpeople.)

o Checked out and cooked up some good recipes

o Read a bunch of articles about health, diet and exercise

o Collected awards and points for fun (You’ll have to check it out to see what I’m talking about.)

o Made a mental plan for the next steps, including getting a full night’s sleep and consistent exercise. I’m not there yet, but I’m working on it. I’d like to be able to walk with my school team at the end of the school year in the Relay for Life to help find a cure for cancer. (You see, this all started in my heart first because I really want to be a blessing to those around me according to what my LORD has directed. Now, it’s just getting my head to comply to my heart’s desire. Wonder if this is where the phrase for being hard-headed came from? I’ve got a lot to work out! LOL)

o Well, Sparkpeople is just one tool you can use.

The main point is that many of us need to make healthy changes for ourselves.  We need energy.  We need our metabolism to be on track so that we can have that energy.  You and I have a lot to share in helping one another and there is much to do! Our LORD wants us to be doers of the Word! Now, we all have an idea about that so let’s start putting positive things into practice. Let’s rebuild this body (His temple) and regain energy to make the world a better place. Let’s think and do things for others out of habit and impulse because we have been renewed. Let’s shine for JESUS!

Lastly, I’d like to thank those of you who have commented on my Sparkpage, sent emails or stopped by and talked to me about how you have been doing with regards to my devotional articles. I appreciate everything you’ve shared and pray for each of you to have an easier walk this week than you had last week. May GOD richly bless you on your journey in His Kingdom here on earth.

This devotional was inspired by Joyce Meyer’s book, Look Great Feel Great.

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