Saturday, December 12, 2009

What Do You Really Believe?

We sometimes think we have more trouble than anyone in the world. When we look only at ourselves, yes, we might find much trouble. But those of us who have Internet access and many other conveniences cannot begin to comprehend the suffering that takes place in the world, and sometimes even in our own neighborhoods.

There is sickness and disease everywhere in the world, even in our own homeland. Most of us get a sniffle or ache, think its the flu or because of our vast sources of information, we diagnose the problem, and rush to our doctor to get a remedy without much thought. But there are many who break bones, severe limbs and endure the suffering of major diseases who have never seen a true medical doctor. Can we imagine from birth to death never having seen a physician?

There is persecution in much of the world, even in our own homeland. Most of us would love to think that prejudice doesn't exist. But look at the news and we can witness racial tensions and religious intolerance in many places around us. If we ever felt the motivation, we could freely stand up and speak our minds concerning any aspect of our lives. We can agree or disagree, as long as we do no harm to others. We currently have free speech legally. We can worship as we will. We can bear arms if we desire. Can any of us imagine having to go underground to worship? Can we imagine only mouthing words of praise or whispering prayer or whisper preaching for fear of being drug out into the street and beaten or shot? Can any of us imagine the horror of knowing we could be executed if we are seen as an outsider or if we convert openly to Christianity?

There is homelessness and hunger in many areas of the world, including our own homeland. Families split up, children are left to the care of one parent and that one parent is left with no means of support. Eventually, what once was a home is in foreclosure and bankruptcy overwhelmed the situation. When there is no one to turn to, then abandoned cars, cardboard boxes on the streets and bridge underpasses become homes. Children are physically starving and resort to rummaging garbage to find half eaten food. Can we even imagine such a fate as to die of hunger or of exposure to the elements?

There is rioting, fighting and warfare taking place in many areas of the world, including our own homeland. Most of us do not live in gang neighborhoods or where true war is taking place. It is far from our mind. But can any of us imagine living in fear that someone would actually drive up to the outside of our home and fire into it from the street? That happens regularly in America. Can any of us imagine a siren going off (day or night) and knowing that we only have 15 seconds to take cover before a missile hits its intended target meant for us. This happens in war torn cities of the world. Can any of us imagine raids on our homes or businesses to terminate or maim? Can we imagine such things as this?

There is slavery and abuse taking place in many areas of the world, including our own homeland. Most of us would not think that slavery takes place in America, but there are different forms of slavery. Have you not heard of the story of wealthy couples who hire foreigners on the pretense of helping them to have a better life and then threaten them with illegally coming here? Sometimes these poor people are forced to work in different capacities in horrible situations. What about the young man or woman who try to do their best only to be taken advantage of when they were given loans only to realize that they could never pay them back? This is a form of slavery. On the other hand, there are those who are trafficking young boys and girls as sexual slaves throughout the world. What about the lonely woman in another country, who just wants a chance to know what freedom is in America. She comes here as a mail order bride and doesn't know how to get out of the horrible nightmare she's created for herself. She has no legal rights because she is not a citizen. She often speaks no English and doesn't know the first thing about surviving on her own. Can we imagine such abuse? Do we even want to think of such things?

Yet, these examples are true, very true! These are horrible happenings, but it is defining moments like these that we must really take stock in what we believe. Truthfully, we in America may not be far from knowing more and more about these examples on a personal level. As problems continue to mount and America's core values change, what do we really believe? What are we willing to stand up for? What are we willing to die for?

Will we run when danger comes? Will we leave quickly and quietly? Will we give up to what we think is a stronger power? Do we know any history? Did we learn from any one's history? How does an affluent country who was once rich in goods, services, military protection for itself and many in the world come to failure? Did Rome fall?

What will it take before we claim our rightful place in the fight for freedom? What do we believe? Is it only up to the brave young men who will honor themselves and this country by serving in its military? Why do we send them off to battle, when we do not stand up for our own freedom and the freedom of future generations right here, right now? Perhaps, we believe that letting sleeping dogs lie will be our best protection. When a political bully comes around, we believe that if we do nothing it is better than doing something, because after all they will be gone in a few years, right? What happens to us while they are in control? Why do we turn a blind eye as a nation? Perhaps we believe if we stand up we'll rock the boat and it will be worse than better? If George Washington had thought like that, then America would never have been born. If Thomas Jefferson had thought like that, he would not have penned the Declaration of Independence. If Patrick Henry had thought that, he wouldn't have had the courage to shout "Give me liberty or give me death!" Why are we so afraid to maintain liberty and gain back what has already been lost?

If you are over 50, you can identify freedom in America that has already been lost. Do you remember daily open prayer in your school? Do you remember hearing scripture in your classroom? How did the Bible become censored out? Was it quietly given up? Did it go without a fight? Where was our nation? Where was our state? Where was our local governments? Where were our parents and grandparents? I don't really know where they were. Could it be that they believed the life they were living would always be present? Could it be that they felt so secure that they did not wonder about current event when law suits were pushing to take prayer out of schools among other crucial decisions were being made? I dont know, I was a kid at that time.

But later when I was older, I was too busy living my selfish life. I didn't have time to think about others around me. I really didn't think much about others until I was in my 30s. Listening to the news never crossed my mind. Others that I knew who were about my age lived life just like me. Now, not passing blame but did anyone teach their kids about freedom not being free and each generation has to maintain it in order to sustain it! Freedom still isn't free!

An empty spot wasn't left when the Bible and prayer was taken out of school. But many rules were whispered and many things were cut out of daily life, even if you were a Christian. You better not say the name of JESUS anywhere. That name might offend someone. Don't put a Bible in your classroom for anyone to see, you'll get in trouble. Don't recite the golden rule anymore, isn't' it a scripture? (It's based on Matthew 7:12: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.) Don't pray publicly. Didn't Daniel pray three times a day and end up being thrown to the lions? (Yes, but he was spared. Read it, why don't you? It's an incredible ending for those who accused Daniel in the first place. Daniel 6:16-24.)

So we did as we were told, even thought the Bill of Rights Article 3 states,

  • Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Oh listen enough in public places and you can hear and see "Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit, etc." spoken by government leaders. So why does the name of JESUS offend them? Because JESUS is not a name that is politically correct. It stirs up hatred for those that are against anyone speaking that name.

As I remember, JESUS was not politically correct in the first place. Had HE been politically correct, HE would never have died in the manner that HE did. HE died because HE was not politically correct. HE died because HIS kingdom was not of this earth. HE died to redeem us individually across the ages to new life. HE died because that was the ultimate plan of salvation for us.

Shame on us for not speaking HIS name, JESUS. Shame on us for being undercover Christians. Do our neighbors know we follow JESUS? Do our co-workers know? If someone felt the drawing of the LORD upon their lives, would that someone know that he/she could learn more from you? Would he/she know that you would pray for and with them? Would they be able to approach you with their spiritual questions?

Our freedom is eroding at an alarming rate. Our country was founded on freedom and Christian values. Free from tyranny on any level was the cry before the birthing of our nation. Think about it.

Christmas is coming very soon! It is one of our most precious holidays. Do you feel comfortable saying "Merry Christmas"? Most of you reading this probably don't. You might wear it on a pin, sweater or sweatshirt, but can you say it in comfort? The more we keep silent, the more freedom we lose! Begin to say it and it will become easier to say! We live in America and the last time I checked we still have freedom of speech.

Since the time that I received JESUS as my SAVIOR and was reborn, I cannot change the fact that I am a Christian any more than I can change the fact that I am female or that I am white. It is who I am! Although there are those who would even argue those points. The fact is I was born female and white. Perhaps there are those who make physical adaptations to change gender and alter their skin's pigment, that does not change the fact that adapting the original does not fully change the original. Let them stop taking hormones and drugs and see what happens. The body will revert back.

Do you witness well wishing for Happy Chanukah (Hanukkah), or Happy Kwanzaa, or Chinese New Year or other beliefs floating around? Well, thank God you are in America and you have the right to your belief. But, "Hey America", so do I have the right to my belief. So when "they" say in whisper voices "Better not mention JESUS CHRIST", then I will say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in a normal voice for all those around me to hear!

It certainly makes our spiritual enemy happy when we are mute. When we don't live like Christians, satan and his demon gang are the most happy. When we don't openly show love for others and we become selfish, the enemy is thrilled. When we choose to live like the world and no one can tell what we believe, the enemy doesn't have to work so hard.

But, live for JESUS and you will go under spiritual attack. Don't be afraid, JESUS will be with you always. Stay strong in the faith and don't waver even when it seems too hard. Be strong in the LORD. Follow HIS leading and GOD will fight the battle for you. Remember, it is finished. It was finished on the cross. GOD is with us, even to the end of this age! Some things are hard to understand, perhaps we don't need to understand so much as we have to just believe and have faith that HE will do what HE said HE would do. Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

Lastly, it's very easy to get caught up in the world view and forget our purpose. The world view is everywhere just look at the ads on every level these days. The world captures your senses. You see, you hear, you taste, you smell, you feel the sensations of what the world has to offer. The world says you have to have everything you want. Some ads and stories even tease us, as they show us how to step all over others to get to the top. They show how you can have your mate and swing with others, pretending that you won't hurt anyone. (Just look in the current magazines of the day. I happened to get my hair done yesterday and that's what I witnessed in a January edition of a fashion magazine.) The world says that you have a right to satisfy all the desires. You can't help but see the sexual implications for current women's perfume, men's cologne, weight loss products and fashion. You can't help but witness the pride that's portrayed in the ads for new cars and goods. How much more cleavage can you show? How much tighter can clothes get on both men and women alike? How much smug pride can you see on the facial expressions of models and actors? How many suggestive gestures does it take to give you the message that this product will satisfy all your carnal desires? IT'S A BOLD FACED LIE THAT ANY OF THESE PRODUCTS WILL SATISFY THE HUNGER OF YOUR SOUL. WHEN ANYONE INDULGES IN EVEN THE FANTASY OF SENSUAL PLEASURES, YOU ARE DISTANCING YOURSELF FURTHER FROM GOD. GOD DOESN'T MOVE AWAY FROM YOU BUT, YOU HAVE MOVED AWAY FROM HIM.

satan is veiling the truth of GOD and HIS love for the world's people. If you are a light and the curtains around your are thick layered and black, then your light is small. But if you are a light and your Christian brother or sister is a light and you seek each other out to shine together, then the layers of curtain fall away until all that is left is the light. Darkness cannot overtake the light, but the light overtakes the darkness. You can't measure darkness, but you can measure light. Let us shine together for the glory of GOD! This is why we must assembly together. Our unity reflects HIS light. The greater the unified body then the greater will be the reflection of HIS love. So seek out HIS light in others and give your light's warmth to others of the faith. Seek out HIS light in others and give of your shining light to others of the faith. Do this and watch GOD's flame ignite into HIS brilliance in anticipation of HIS coming. We do this together. We do this in unity to the glory of GOD! May the name of JESUS be lifted up and praised forever.

Leave the world behind in thought and deed. Don't get caught up in the trap of the enemy! Don't we have a duty to be Christ like? I will say "Merry Christ-mas!" I will say "Happy Holy-days!" That's just one thing I will do. I will strive to live like Christ would have me to live. I will endeavor to reach out to those in need and offer my assistance. I will smile more and say more nice things to those I encounter even when it is hard to do. Everyone isn't so very lovable, but JESUS did not say love only to love those who love you. HE said to love even your enemies. HE warned us that we wrestle not with flesh and blood (physical human beings). We wrestle with principalities and powers (spiritual evil entities). May HE give us discernment in all our dealings and protect us in this walk.

So, what do we really believe?

I believe...
in God, the Father Almighty,Maker of Heaven and Earth,
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead and buried.
He descended into Hell.
The third day He arose from the dead,
He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty.
From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the church universal (catholic),
the communion (gathering) of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.

and I believe Revelation 22:12-13
when JESUS said...
And, behold, I come quickly;
and my reward is with me,
to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end,
the first and the last.
What do you believe?

Prayer Requests so far this week:

  • new prayer: staff/faculty friend who has a brain tumor~ pray GOD's will in the matter and pray much for the family (this is a mother with small children)
  • continue to pray for R.S. family and especially her husband who is having radiation and chemo soon
  • continue to pray for those who haven't jobs~that's GOD direct the path and open the windows of heaven in blessings on these families
  • new prayer: pray for the homeless~ especially a women of 55 who is struggling to survive with medical issues and has no home of her own~ she was offered a bed in a home, only to find that it is a hostile environment where much abuse is taking place~ pray that GOD direct her to a place of peace, warmth and comfort
  • pray blessings on our families & homes, school and school families~ that the love of JESUS surround and draw families ever closer to HIM and that we as Christians do what HE wills and not what we will in every situation

NOTE: I have tried not to honor satan. His name is not capitalized in this article and it has been shrunk to very small print. GOD however is all caps and any place that calls up names for GOD or important information concerning GOD, I've posted with all caps. This is a Monica thing! I've felt the need to do this from the start of my postings, but haven't always been alert to following through with it. Thank you for reading my devotions. I hope you have found something of good use in your daily walk with and in the LORD. May GOD bless you abundantly... in JESUS name... Amen.

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