Thursday, November 12, 2009

We Have an Advocate... JESUS

Dear Friends,

There are so many things going on around us right now that need prayer... so don't forget... don't ever forget that we have an advocate... who pleads for us before our Heavenly Father. Take your cares to HIM because HE cares for you! 1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

But, do we come to HIM only when we need or want something? We need to be mindful at all times to keep praising the LORD. Eph. 5:18 be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Do you think it is hard to praise HIM when things aren't going well? I must say, yes, it is hard at first. But the more you learn to praise HIM in all circumstances, the easier it becomes. The amazing thing is that when we lift HIM up, HE lifts us higher. The more we praise and honor HIM, the more He takes us to new heights. We are able to see beyond our circumstances and our times of trouble because our focus is upon HIM. We are able to do this because we are in HIS will. We can be more effective in CHRIST because HE gives us power and strength that we didn't have before.

When we hear of a prayer request, if we have already been praising HIM, we know HE has been listening to us in praise. If we have also been listening for HIS direction then our communication is open between Heaven and Earth, between us and GOD. Only then are we able to offer a prayer on behalf of others that has substance.

Have you ever prayed and it was as if your words were just hanging in the air? Have you ever prayed truly knowing that GOD in all HIS wisdom and power was at that very moment answering your prayer?

When we know to do something and we don't do it, it is sin to us. James 4;17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. How many times do we pray while keeing sin as our companion? We sincerely pray for fire (the HOLY SPIRIT) to ignite the coals (of our hearts) but then we douse the coals with a flood of water (that drowns the possibility of fire to start).

Now, it's true that GOD has ignited a doused fire pit before. Read about Elijah in 1 Kings 18:16-46. HE can do it again if HE wants to, but we are supposed to prepare our hearts for HIS fire! Even in ancient times there were some things to do in order to have a successful fire. It is my belief that the supernatural is a parallel of the natural world. JESUS taught using parables which were designed to explain the natural but with a deeper spiritual meaning.

I found a guide to building a campfire and thought that it lends nicely to understanding the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT. Consider this: a campfire is a place to gather family and friends, tell stories and enjoy the company, eat and warm yourself. The location of a fire needs to be in a safe place. The location needs to be free of trees, brush, and tall grass. Are you separated from the world? Have you found that safe place in JESUS for HIS fire to ignite within you?

If you build a campfire, you would outline it with brick size rocks or brick to protect the fire. Have you studied the word and gathered your blessings and promises from GOD? Have you found the foundation rocks and prepared a space neither too large or too small? The largest rocks are scripture promises that are first understood by all who are saved. The foundational truth is here.

You would dig a trench in the middle of the site to keep it from flickering through the rocks and becoming unmanagable. Do you go off flickering self-righteousness toward others and set fires that become unmanagable? It's sad but true that we as Christians are sometimes quicker to condemn than to love others. We need to dig a trench in our hearts to free up the dirt (sinful attitudes) that hinder others from accepting CHRIST.

After digging the trench, you would scrape the bottom and pour pea gravel into the pit and smooth it out to level it and help with drainage. Ouch! Scrape the bottom of the heart... You have to get serious to do this spiritually. As you scrape away old offenses you will free your heart to truly love as CHRIST loved. As long as the old offenses are there (starting as early as childhood memories), you will never be able to be loved or to love. CHRIST loves on you always but you must get rid of hardened scabs that keep you from feeling loved... only you can do it... Then you prepare for drainage at the right time. Pea gravel are the mid-size rocks that represent scripture promises that are being learned and utilized by each individual. The scripture is based on study and is given only to those who scrape the bottom.

Next, you would add sand. This is interesting. We don't often think about anything becoming a problem underneath us, but the sand is to act as fire prevention so that fire can't spread to the roots under the pit. This is another case where we are so closely knitted to others that some of them may be damaged from the fire because they are so close to us. This is usually our immediate family and generally are the tender roots of children. We become impatient and cross to the point of harm. It's not the HOLY SPIRIT fire but a false fire that burns within us. We need to protect others from our false fire so that none will be destroyed by our lack of preparation. The sand represents the flow of protection that comes when we study scripture and truly begin to want the best for others. We don't want any harm to come to our loved ones. The grains of sand are many. These are scriptures where spiritual concepts are mastered.

Last, it is time to build the fire. We build the fire in the natural, but the HOLY SPIRIT brings the fire in the supernatural. Let the fire burn within each of us. May it give off enough light that others desire it for themselves when they realize it is of GOD. May it give off enough heat that cold hearts would melt and be filled with the true love of our Savior. May we continue to study and carry the light to the world who is dying in darkness.

As a final note concerning the campfire, the rocks are all scripture verses. Sizes of the rocks represent our level of study and commitment to understanding. It is not simply what others may do for us but it is all about what we do for others. Luke 6: 31 Do to others as you would like them to do to you.

So as you prepare for the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT to ignite within you that you might be a light in the darkness...

Look up, don't look down! You can't see anything looking down. It is like walking around in the dark, in a pit, in a grave... Sing, pray, study and listen for HIM to set you on fire.

Look up, don’t look within yourself to view your imperfections! Look up and see yourself as CHRIST sees you. See yourself as a reflection of HIM... Sing, pray, study and listen for HIM to set you on fire.

Look up, don’t look to the left or the right. Nothing there in this world can bring peace and hope like HE can. Sing, pray, study and listen for HIM to set you on fire.

Look up, don't look back. Your past can haunt you if you let it. The "would have, should have" self talk of destruction needs to disappear. You cannot change anything about your past, give it to JESUS. HE is the burden bearer. HE wants to take the weight off of your shoulders if you let HIM... Sing, pray, study and listen for HIM to set you on fire.

Look up, don't look into the future. You have no business there unless HE gives you dreams to dream. When we look too far ahead in our own strength, sometimes we get impatient with GOD's time table and do things to speed up an outcome. Then we find that it was not GOD's outcome that we created, but a mess that we beg HIM to fix for us... Sing, pray, study and listen for HIM to set you on fire.

For Heaven's sake... just look up...

I pray this brings you encouragement... to know that HE hears you when you call... Love & Prayers, Monica :)

1 comment:

Monica said...

Some of you have personally told me they tried to post a comment and it wouldn't work. I explored the site and found that I had disabled a setting. It should work for you now, so feel free to comment. :)