Now, another thing is that many times we focus so much on the very strong and obvious faith of a Biblical character that we forget that they are human. We must remember not to put them up on a pedestal because of their faith. We need to observe them as we are, human. Then we need to look at their faith in God as they approach life as a human being. In doing this, the first thing that I discovered about Hannah that I hadn't noticed before is that she must have been very sick and tired of her life before she fell at the alter where Eli, the Priest, heard her prayer.
Although, I usually use either the King James, New King James or The Living Translation, this time I find that The Message Bible is my selection. My brief summary from 1 Samuel 1:
- At first we read who Elkanah is and then we discover that he is not only Hannah's husband, but also husband to Peninnah. Peninnah has children and Hannah does not, which she is quite upset about. To add to Hannah's pain is the fact that Peninnah taunted her and rubbed it in that God had not given her children. So every year, Hannah had to endure the shame of going to the sanctuary without children. According to 1 Samuel 1:9-11, we read of what took place there. She prayed and was blessed by Eli. Time passed and eventually she had a son, Samuel. While still a very young child, and after weaning him, she dedicated him back to God as she had promised. Samuel was left with Eli for trianing.
Sometimes when we read this, we think of it only as a miracle story and don't really meditate upon it for long. I pulled it apart in my study and found some parallels to my own life, perahps there are some things that ring a bell with you, too.
Sick and Tired
Have you ever been sick and tired over something? This is exactly what I think happened to Hannah. Take a look at all the things that I think she must have been sick and tired of.
- Hannah was possibly tired of being the second wife. I say, she is second because she is mentioned second and also becasue a wife with children would have been considered the more important wife in the Hebrew culture. The firstborn son inherited from his father so this mother would have been considered more important than a childless wife. (This fact is true even though Elkanah loved Hannah and favored her at times according to scripture.) Now, perhaps you have never been the second to another woman but have you been second to your husband's friends, family, job, or hobbies? You can relate to Hannah in this way if you have ever felt second place to a loved one for any reason.
- Hannah was tired of being pitied. After all each year she would have to endure the pain of not having a child with her so that she and her child could receive portions of meat from the sacrifice. She was given a large (choice) amount not only because she was loved by her husband but because she was pitied and childless. Have you ever felt pitied?
- She was tired of watching Elkanah lavish fatherly care for his children. She must have been tired of watching Pennah grow in pregrancy and give birth. Then watching her nurse and care for her babies. Have you ever desired something so much that you were envious?
- She was tired of hearing compliments to Peninnah and Elkanah for thier children. Have you ever felt if you had to hear something one more time that brought you pain, you would vomit?
- She was tired of empty arms and an aching heart. She had to endure Elkanah's love that she interpreted as pity. It didn't matter what he might say, it was how she felt that mattered. She must have been tired of feeling guilty before God and her husband for not producing a child.
- She had to be tired of crying and feeling sick. There had to be moments that she was tired of arguing her pain with Elkanah because he just didn't get it.
- She had to be so tired of being misunderstood and at times tired that God would not hear her and do something. She must have been tired of the bitterness and anger in her heart.
- She was tired of being tired and exhausted in her sorrow and grief.
I used study questions from James Knox and found that these questions and verses led me to discover great promises for us, when we are tired and impatient. In these verses, I'm going to just write down the promises that I've discovered. I challenge you to go to each verse, read and meditate upon it and discover what might be there for you. Through the years I've found that he gives us what we need when we need it. Here are the promises that I found for me. I've personalized them in print so that I can linger in His majesty as a little child adoring her royal father who loves her so much, he gives her all things that are good for her.
God says:
- Psalm 31:19 I have stored up goodness for you. I will protect you.
- Psalm 111:10 I will give you wisdom.
- Psalm 112 I will give you joy.
- Psalm 147 I'll always love you!
- Job 23:1-12 I will listen. I will make you pure.
- Jeremiah 24:5-7 I won't uproot you. I care for you. I will give you a heart to know me. You will be mine. You are mine!
- Jeremiah 29:11-14 I have great plans for you. I'll give you a future and hope. I hear your prayers. I am here for you.
- Jeremiah 31:10-14 I will pull you to me. I will give you great love and much more. I will give you a party. We will have a feast. I will exchange your sadness for rejoicing. I will give you good gifts.
- 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 I will give you comfort.
- James 1:2-4 I will make you perfect, needing nothing.
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 I will give you glory that lasts forever.
- 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 I will give you grace. I will give you power.
- 1 Peter 4:12-14 I will make you a partner with Christ. I will give you wonderful joy of seeing His glory. My Spirit rests on you!